Digging it Up!

Hello Friends,

Today I did archeological work on the plateau since I was unable to continue working on at the tomb site. My partner and I  worked in a 3 by 3 square meter area which involves slow troweling and sifting through buckets and buckets of dirt and finding nothing- very sad!
This is the part that is somewhat tedious and frustrating since 9 out of 10 times we don’t find anything in the sifted sand. Matt and I were partners today and totally got covered with dirt from head to toe!  We were the fasted and most efficient team despite the fact that we talked the entire time. I have no idea what we are going to do tomorrow but I am always up for any kind of adventure.


Tonight we were very excited because we didn’t have a lecture or have to present on our work  for the  day. Woohoo!!!  Emily and I had an early dinner and then walked around the town.  We just walked and talked. We have become really good friends because we are so similar – like two peas in a pod.


Hopefully, I will have some exciting news for tomorrows post.



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